Wednesday, May 12, 2010


what are some manicure/pedicure tips that i can do at home?Manicure/pedicure?
neither try sex.....Manicure/pedicure?
Soak your hands %26amp; feet in warm oil beforehand to loosen the cuticles %26amp; reduce tearing. Push the cuticles back before cutting but be careful %26amp; don't cut into the skin because it's easy to get infected there. Massage the fingers or feet always towards the heart. Make sure hands and/or feet are completely clean %26amp; dry before applying polish %26amp; always add a top coat. I used to be a cosmetologist. A couple of years ago I got a kit by Jill Jordan for Christmas %26amp; fell in love with it. They should have a website but I don't know what it is. I think it runs about $25. But worth every penny. (very few things I feel that way about. I'm cheap). It smooths ridges %26amp; waves %26amp; gives the nails such a shiny natural gloss you don't need polish. The shine lasts for days despite dishwashing, etc. It comes with complete instructions %26amp; is easy %26amp; doesn't take any time at all. Btw a blow dryer is great for in between coats %26amp; I've also found if you paint the hand you use most first it's less likely to smudge before drying. I don't know why. It just does.
how about french nails?????( if you know how to do it) ( i did my nails french nails.) i'm doing my nails all over again.
Soak you feet / hands, use a exfoliate up to your knees while soaking. Then, remove cuticles - use a softener an BE CAREFUL not to remove too much. I push them back first. Then, file and polish. I do this once a week. Relax with a magazine, a glass of wine, or my favorite - a giant cup of coffee! Enjoy!
a lot of grocery/drug stores have quick, easy kits that you can buy for mani/pedi's, they usually are under 7-8 dollars and come with little tools that help you apply the nail polish more exactly. hope i helped-


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